Dino Ironbody

If you want a picture of the future, imagine an iPad smashing in a human face— forever.”

You know, I was gonna say you’re wrong here, but I think you’re right. Because “unbearable” feels like a potentially worse connotation than “impossible,” the phrase would be clearer if it was “Even a 54 second interview would be unbearable.”

That means 55% of critics agreed with you.

this was quite a journey, but you all made it here pretty admirably and relatively unscathed!

It’s almost impressive that what I’m sure is a massive marketing team all watched that ad and thought, “Yep, no sinister undertones there.”

It’s just so weird. I understand that the ad is supposed to mean “look, we compressed all these things into an iPad” but that’s just not what it actually says at all. It solely reads as: “look, we’re violently destroying at least one thing you have a strong emotional connection to; now give us a thousand dollars.”

Ok so here’s my pitch: It’s modernish times and everyone has accepted that Jason is an unstoppable force of nature. Crystal Lake is a national park and only like four people die there a year. Most cause they were taking ill advised selfies as Jason lumbered up behind them.

It’s just regular old PEMDAS: Paramount+, Exponents, Max, Disney+, Apple TV+, and Subtraction

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Let me know when they get to the Planet of the Cows:


Two of my college buddies studied abroad at BADA while Spacey was at the Old Vic. They didn't personally suffer an incident, but it was in no way a secret.

Man, Kevin Spacey seems to look more and more like a thumb every day. 

I’m waiting to find out that The Blind Side and The Replacements exist in the same cinematic universe. I’d certainly watch THAT.

They’ve been rereleasing the original novels in graphic novel form, does that count?

it’s surprising Levin isn’t better-known

If you play the theme music backwards you can clearly hear a sheriff saying “I buried Paul.”


I mean I certainly hope so!

Like that one (really dark now) SNL sketch where the central joke is that Belushi somehow outlived all his castmates, but actually real.

I’m reminded of an old quote from Charlton Heston (and I’m paraphrasing a bit here): “I never had any illusions about my ability as an actor, but I showed up sober & on time, had my lines memorized, I hit my marks, and I filled out a toga”.