Dino Ironbody

If she follows the same character arc as Anakin, does that mean she becomes Rudy Giuliani?

Don’t forget “sin.”

Trump, is that you?

there’s no evidence that anyone is watching Paramount+”

If by “all his costars” you mean Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

Funny thing is, I actually love the real Architect scene.


Coincidentally, the first movie directed by Corman protégé Ron Howard was called Grand Theft Auto.

But even 51% would mean more liked it than disliked it, and since RT uses a thumbs up/down system I think 50% would make the most sense.

I’m glad people were willing to put up with my nitpicking.

That makes it sounds like 60 is a D-, and I don’t think that’s how RT works.

I wonder why 60% is the Fresh cutoff on RT instead of 50%.

I thought what Yellowfoot was saying was more like the reverse of that.

I watched it and liked it, although not as much as the original.

Seems to me a 54 minute Piers Morgan interview is already impossible to watch. A 54 second interview would be unbearable” implies 54 seconds would be worse.

But you basically said “54 minutes, let alone seconds” when it should be reversed.

Coulda had someone using a wand magically combine everything nondestructively.

“And you’ll see why 2024 will be exactly like ‘1984.’”

I think you reversed “minute” and “second.”

Is Kristi Noem on the prowl for misbehaving dogs everywhere?