Dino Ironbody

Yeah, but that wouldn't have happened if people didn't love their music.

Since the original Fear Factor went off the air(there was a brief revival a few years ago) NBC has debuted 30 Rock, Parks & Rec, Community, Friday Night Lights, Parenthood, and Hannibal, so it's not like they haven't had good shows in recent years.

Yeah, but if people didn't love The Beatles so much they wouldn't have had such an impact. Sure, the media influences people, but I think the other way around is more true.

So the networks should refuse to give the people what we want and try to save us from our own lowbrow tastes in entertainment? Since the media is profit-driven that seems like a pretty self-defeating idea to me, especially since consumers have more media choices than ever.

Yeah, but there aren't enough people demanding they be better for them to want to actually be better. Lots of people are fine with constant coverage of the likes of Trump and the Kardashians, enough for the media to not change what they're doing.

They game him lots of exposure because lots of people watched his show. If The Apprentice had been a flop they would've have kept it on the air for so long. I think the fact that the show's ratings didn't plummet after he started with the Birther crap reflects more on the viewers than on NBC.

I think you're overestimating the extent to which people blindly follow what the media tells them, especially considering how much Trump supporters hate the media.

I will say that I don't buy into the idea that all publicity is good, especially since quite a few presidential campaigns have been sunk by bad publicity. What's unusual about Trump is how little effect all the bad publicity he's gotten has had on his success. Now we may be seeing the limits of how much bad publicity

I think you'll have to explain how they're the ones who "mainstreamed" him, and not the millions of his supporters.

Has there ever been an actual ideal democracy? I think the media has always been in it for money, regardless of what their role should be.

So you want the media to basically save us from ourselves?

I think his supporters are what gave him credibility, not the media. If the media had refused to "legitimize" him, would that really have diminished his support?

The late night talk shows don't have a different host each episode.

Why should SNL get more blame than all the other late night shows that have had Trump on?

I think before his campaign(or at least before he started with the whole Birther crap) a lot of people assumed he was an asshole but basically harmless, and a lot of those people now know otherwise.

I wonder if for Trump all the extra attention he's gotten because of his presidential campaign is worth it for all the extra people who now know just how much of an asshole he is.

I like Stonehenge and especially Rock and Roll CREE-AY-SHUUUUU-UN("And he saw that it was GOOOOOOOOD!").

I think some of Spinal Tap's songs were actually pretty good.

I think he'd be too tarnished by his association with Trump to win.

Some people say Cameron's not a very good screenwriter, but I think this movie shows he's definitely capable of writing memorable characters and dialogue.