Dino Ironbody

Feels like a lot of these headlines are written using A.V. Club Newswire Mad Libs.

I read someone point out that he looks like Troy from Final Sacrifice. "Rowthdower!"

At least Wilmore has the satisfaction that he outlasted that show.

I assume Stewart pushed for Comedy Central to pick Noah(he'd already appeared on the show as a contributor). Why else would they pick someone who was practically unknown in the US?

Curt Schilling just said he's considering running for Senate against Elizabeth Warren.

I thought he did a good Letterman back in the early days of Dave's late-night career.

Seems to me like even The Onion is having trouble figuring out how to make fun of Trump.

Weird that in 1996 he was basically a washed-up '80s relic.

Don't forget Nickelback's Silver Side Up was released the same day too.

I wonder how 2001 week is gonna address 9/11.

On the DVD commentary Josh Weinstein says that the joke about Cypress Creek being so advanced that its elementary school has its own website is one of the most dated jokes they've ever done.

I kinda wish they'd had the date of first contact be September 8, 2066.

On some of those issues they may have been more liberal in the past, but when did they stop being for minority rights, gay rights, and abortion rights? As far as being anti-war, I think that pretty much started and ended with McGovern's nomination.

"At any rate, by arguing this position you are essentially arguing we can never vote for a third party because the effects of a possible Republican victory are too awful to endure."

Saying that Nader wasn't the only reason Gore lost doesn't show that Nader wasn't a significant reason.

Was there an era when Democrats were real liberals?

As wrong as opposing the civil rights act was, even his opponents generally agreed he wasn't a racist.

Are the Hobbit films prequels even though the book came before the LotR trilogy?

The whole "the Borg have as much right to exist as we do" thing never made sense to me, because peaceful coexistence with the Borg is pretty much impossible. In a situation where it really is us versus them, going "If we kill them we're just as bad as them" just doesn't work.

Martin Luther King told Nichelle Nichols that her being on the show was inspirational, so that's a case where you could say that diversity for its own sake is progressive.