What exactly is Genesis? Well, put simply: Genesis is boner, from bonerlessness.
What exactly is Genesis? Well, put simply: Genesis is boner, from bonerlessness.
It also gave ClickHole a recurring joke.
Sure, but that's a problem with any democratizing technology. Stupid people get easier access, but so do a lot of smart people who were denied access when such access was reserved for an elite few.
Yeah, but look at other civil rights movements. After slavery was abolished, it took a whole century before segregation was abolished. Even half a century later, we still have major racial problems. Measured against that, I think that going from gay rights being virtually non-existent half a century ago to having gay…
I dunno, it seems like we're still making progress; just look at the rapid progress we've made on gay rights. Sure, we have a lot of progress left to make, but I think progress seems easier in retrospect than in the present.
Hasn't that always been a problem?
I realize it's easy, with Trump's popularity and whatnot, to say this movie is coming true, but society's always had its fair share of stupidity. Is society's stupidity really getting worse or are we comparing the present to some idealized past when people were so much smarter when they really weren't?
"Communication is a two way street. If somebody misinterprets something you say as insensitive maybe you need to learn how to communicate better."
Depends who's offended. It shouldn't be hard to avoid saying offensive shit on the level these guys are talking, but there are people who get offended by minor, harmless stuff but demand that the "offender" apologize without even an opportunity to defend themselves.
I think in this case the onus is definitely on them, but sometimes people overuse that idea to the extent that the onus is on the "offender" no matter what.
I slightly take issue with this statement:
I think they should go with the Washington Americans. It would make it hard for all the "Grrrr I'm sick of political correctness" conservatives to object, lest they go against such a blatantly patriotic name.
Weirdly enough, the Heroin A.M. sketch sparked a lot of outrage among people who think heroin addiction is TOO SERIOUS for such flippant attempts at humor.
Pistol Shrimps sounds like what Dave Barry would call a good name for a rock band.
I think Kate is kinda like a female Bill Hader in her ability to be creepy in a funny way.
I think those uniforms are really cool. Really '90s, but still really cool.
Chevy sure knows what's funny!
Tina said the question was "Is Maya Rudolph Italian?"
In her book, Tina Fey said that almost all the guests on the show were great to work with(Paris Hilton being a major exception, as others have noted). She even said Sarah Palin was really nice. So I think Hammond was sincere about liking most of the people he met(remember that politicians can often be charming if you…
If MST3K culture had existed back then, we'd have a really lame and unfunny Plan 10 From Outer Space.