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    Is it irritating when someone who is presciant enough to abandon the good (& sinking) ship USS CNN before it goes full tilt! Rearranging deck chairs from Port to Starboard & back again a good go @ exercising but still the ship is, going to sink! Too bad as pre the crazies running that lame duck into the ground never,

    How in the hell does this country let anything old, of priceless value etc. slip through it’s grubby little paws?? We (seem) to value nothing of history. Out with the old in with the new. Seniors, old homes, office blgds., cars etc. It’s absolutely PITIFUL.! This “old stuff” has history, stories to tell. All you have

    Poor Poor Adam! I feel your pain man, but in your article all I got was you waxing for the “good old days”. Since EVERYTHING is political these days, I do hope you know @ least in your heart who’s responsible for you being so bummed out? Ending, with 2 bits of information for ya Adam: 1. Concerning fast food

    Good Socialist! Nice to know that should any Republican even in name only get out of the lines of your template you’ll be there to smack them down. Remember, Comrade for every finger of shame, disgust you point out, 3 are pointing back at you. Of course she’s a Trump! That she & her husband are left of cntr. means

    Simply put, if Zillow does not know the answer to the question/demand & has NO one to testify to that fact, wherever the “case” may or may not go it is best to be thought of as stupid instead of opening your mouth to prove their point.

    Oh, you guys are dunderheads! NASCAR, in less than 5 yrs. will be in the dustbin of lost causes. Newbies to this sport, ain’t ya. Face it, the French family are IDIOTS! Look at their ratings loss, attendance loss & your dinks are happy with this crap? Let’s put, the first stupid idea, restrictor plates on your cars &