Dining With Porthos

‘”I mean, it’s a big action comedy with lots of neat looking setpieces, surely it plays better on a big screen right?”’

I thought GoTG 3 was the only post End Game Marvel movie worth watching. Everything else has been a slog, and I was all in on the MCU up until Endgame

Inquiring minds want to know...

It’s a fine example of human shield writing: where you put in a few (token) themes of marginalisation, and then hide behind them whenever you face any criticism:

This feels like one of those things where a show or movie that barely anyone watches “raises a middle finger to its haters” to give the impression that anyone is actually still talking about it. I haven’t heard anything about this show since like the first week it came out.

Maybe the best thing we could do is to ignore these posts.

Must one declare their political affiliation at the time of purchase? Otherwise, how is this data accurately collected?

Barnie and Oppenheimer.

Or at least a remake of the Bare Wench project

Oh jesus that face.

It’s also so much of a nothing story — “MJF says people who get famous on social media for seemingly no reason wouldn’t have been famous in the 80s because there was no social media”... Well, he not wrong.

Do we really need to be racing F1 on almost half of them?

There are only 52 weekends in a year. Do we really need to be racing F1 on almost half of them?”


Here’s what it looked like before the collapse.

There’s Norway they didn’t properly Finnish the job. Investigate, take names, Denmark down all the engineers who OK’d it and banish them to Greenland.

Tik-Tok-er...Woman got locked was trapped chose to stay in her Tesla and now has monetized her plight to over 100k views. FTFY

It doesn’t look much like any other Audi wagon when you see it in person.

Special. Exclusive. Fun. Brain-meltingly fast.

It is truly remarkable how some folks just sit and wait all day, thinking “How can I be a weird asshole about the news today?”

There is some more great stuff buried in the thread. Like stuff you would talk to your college mathematics professor about. You know, ordinary Chevrolet dealership small talk.