
I am hoping for the best and fearing the worst.

In an interview in EW Carter said he wanted Doggett back, but he couldn't due to "Scorpion."

Worth it just for CSM taking his mask off.

I fear that what they are going to do is abduct Scully, put Mulder in a coma and then have M&S Jr. on the search for William to save everyone.

I refer to that episode as "Space Face." And it truly is the worst episode…that was, until "Babylon."

We live in an unjust world.

I didn't think so. The Fall didn't start shooting until after this wrapped. And, who knows when Aquarius filmed/will be filmed.

If they do a spin-off: will not watch.

I had the exact thought when brushing my teeth this morning.

I slept on it and dislike it even more.

And you know she will never find out what was up with the quarter.
Oh, I was crying all over the place. And then I watched "War & Peace."
Bad move.

I was THISCLOSE to calling my parents at the end of the episode.

It was used in that film.

I was thinking "is this going to be on her Emmy reel?" And then wondered—in which category would she submit? Is this a mini-series/limited run because it is only 6 episodes? Or is this considered a drama series because it is a continuing saga of an existing show?

What are the fucking odds?!?! Was it Joseph?
SV was Joseph in 96 and then Wiz in 97.

It really is the ugliest building.

If it's the school I think it is—yes. It was Joseph.

Yes. Definitely Seneca Valley.

Was it Seneca Valley?