
When the MC introduced James I laughed so so so so hard and couldn't believe that they actually went there.
But then I rewound it and my boyfriend and I slow danced in my living room while screeching like James.
I think I secretly love this stupid song.

The piece of music is great, too.

If Kyle doesn't get nominated for all of the things, that's a real shame.

Ann Miller

The first thing I thought of when I saw French Lady was Isabella Rosselini.
I truly believe that Lynch is doing his own retrospective.

About the jerky: It made me get up and find the bag of beef jerky I had in my cupboard.

YES. Uncanny valley!
Reminded me of the scene in "Feud" when the director makes a comment about how at the end of Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, Bette Davis was able to make herself seem younger just by acting.
Dougie/Cooper on this show looks much older than Kyle does in real life.
I think it was more his facial

Maddie's definitely wins the award for "most disturbing death." That felt twice as real to me than the kid getting hit by the truck.

Disagree. I LOVE that we are being forced to watch it in nuggets.

With Andy saying something like "this keeps happening" I fear that our girl Lucy may have early on-set Alzheimer's or some sort of dementia.

is it available to stream for free somewhere?

Where are you now that there isn't chopped liver?


I never knew that they did! Or was that a regional thing?

This may have to happen soon.

I like all liver, to be honest.
I am so intrigued by the idea of a vegetarian chopped liver!

Like chopped liver?
That shit is goooood.

You need to get the cookbook.

I noticed, that, too. I like the idea of a vanishing twin (now I am imagining baby teeth somewhere in David's body). Sorry if I am reposting something that someone already said…but David is adopted, no? So he could've had a sister running around somewhere.