
If memory serves me correctly, Chef Brockett was also in "Flashdance."
All were shot in Pittsburgh.

I'm sad to think that perhaps we won't get to learn that secret because there's only one ep left.

What's scarier—Killer BOB or James singing?

HA! I marathoned it one summer in college on VHS. But I remember watching that scene first-run on ABC and was TERRIFIED by Killer BOB. I still wonder why my parents thought it was okay for me to be watching that as a 10 year old.

I want a t-shirt that says,
Hannibal: #QuantifiablyBitchy & #RelentlesslyGay

Did anyone else get shades of Killer BOB when the Dragon climbed over the couch toward Chilton?

To add insult to injury, Hannibal was preempted by the Baltimore Ravens.

Not just you. And typically she is so flawless.
Loved the writing, however.

Best 2 shows this summer!

Thankfully, I did not see that.

Ugh. I wish that Dell had killed Jimmy. Seriously. Just for the Nirvana cover. Kurt must be doing somersaults in his grave.

I think that I didn't feel Ma Petite's death as much as I should have because we already had the fake-out death once—which was a much more horrifying/sad way to go (especially with all the butterfly pantomiming).

That is an excellent description.

I love that she's doing an accent that not a lot of folks have heard, but she's doing it so HARD. It's jarring. And I'm saying this as a Pittsburgher (just voted America's Worst Accent!) who has lived in Baltimore for almost 5 years.

Kathy Bates' accent is driving me bonkers. I don't even pay attention to her dialogue—I am so distracted by the vowels. I know what she's going for but it's just bad. Bad. Bad. Bad.

It was SO Baltimore and NOT Yinzer.
And I say this as a Yinzer living in Baltimore.