
You clearly have no idea what “viable person” and “independently existing” mean.

Starring this, because you’re absolutely right. I’m usually the first person to draw attention to what is happening to the First Nations people, but I shamefully got distracted by the utter ridiculousness of Trump’s comments.

you so jelly....

It’s not you. There are just way too many trolls.

There needs to be an on-going segment here called, “Meanwhile, In Canada....” that helps us to keep things in perspective.

Lol. Booooo. What a terrible joke. <throws crumpled up paper at you> :)

You’re a moron. Go back to Breitbart.

I find that the only people who actually defend this shit are the people that never have to be on the receiving end of racial profiling. Ignorance is bliss, right?

First of all, not every one that wears a ball cap gets asked to take it off. I haven’t had to.

You really are a moron.

I don’t know if I’d call it “sensationalized” when Sikhs get this shit ALL THE TIME.

Don’t be stupid.

Agreed. Especially since the West still wants (expects) global cooperation in their fight against ISIS, but you know, can’t be bothered to extend condolences or support when those Non-Important countries suffer terrorist attacks.

It’s ok. I’ve absolutely gotten my butt kicked trying to debate with people, especially when they knew more than I did. I eventually learned to check my privilege and just listen and learn. I’m still learning. So are you.

I apologize if I hurt you (olive branch came after my last post).

Canada =mistreatment

Hoser78 sounds like a kid that has a lot to learn about history and racism. I share your frustration in talking to them and I agree with what you’ve said.

The irony of your comment is that you are actually the one turning it into a “pissing contest.” You’re comparing two different countries with different histories and different populations - there’s really no need for that. Most people can acknowledge that Canada has mistreated it’s First Nations people without

Definitely not enough has been done for the First Nations to correct “past wrongs.”

Good grief. The conditions that many First Nations people live in are deplorable (many reserves have problems with accessing fucking water!). They also have unique socioeconomic issues that other immigrant populations don’t face. Your argument about the Secretary of Defense is the Canadian equivalent of, “We have a