Lol. Booooo. What a terrible joke. <throws crumpled up paper at you> :)
Lol. Booooo. What a terrible joke. <throws crumpled up paper at you> :)
You’re a moron. Go back to Breitbart.
I find that the only people who actually defend this shit are the people that never have to be on the receiving end of racial profiling. Ignorance is bliss, right?
First of all, not every one that wears a ball cap gets asked to take it off. I haven’t had to.
You really are a moron.
I don’t know if I’d call it “sensationalized” when Sikhs get this shit ALL THE TIME.
Don’t be stupid.
Agreed. Especially since the West still wants (expects) global cooperation in their fight against ISIS, but you know, can’t be bothered to extend condolences or support when those Non-Important countries suffer terrorist attacks.
Please shut up.
Or that they would even keep identifying passports on themselves during the attacks. Just seems oddly convenient.
I absolutely agree - she’s in the prime of her youth and it’s a shame that she’s already so discontent with her appearance. Also, I suspect either filler or implants in the cheeks or jaw to reduce the prominence of the chin. Then there’s the boob and butt job and botox and fillers.
Nose job - bridge is thinner now, nose looks less bulbous. I can’t pin point it exactly, but I feel like she’s had some kind of implant in the cheeks or jaw to soften the prominence of her chin. Def botox, makeup, extensions, false eyelashes, etc. It’s still a lot done for someone in the prime of their youth.
Nah, she’s just acutely aware of social graces. We need more of that in today’s youth. ;)
Their after picture doesn’t even look like them - it’s as if they have a mask on in the after photo.
You do realize that 100% of the women you slobber over and jerk off to look exactly like this without the makeup, hair extensions, fake eyelashes, and photoshop. Oh you thought they looked like that naturally? Aw, how cute of you.
Am I tacky for wanting all this stuff? :)
ForTheLoveOfBeets is choosing to stick up for women rather than join HappyHighwayMan in tearing other women down. Sounds pretty civilized to me. Not sure where you are getting “emotionally fragile” from, unless you are projecting, bro.