
why are you so damn awesome? :)


Gotta love all the, “why are you bringing race into this?” and “this isn’t a race issue” comments from these guys in everyday conversation. If you live in America, the chances of it being a race issue are pretty high.

I’ve never dressed up like a fucking Nazi. I’ve never called anyone a “paki” or a “raghead.” That’s not “something stupid,” that’s “something racist.” Amazed you would defend this garbage.

Additionally, he called his fellow soldiers of color, “pakis” and “rag heads.” But that doesn’t make him racist, right?

Yes, he should. He’s a racist piece of garbage. Glad you agree.

Brava! You’re one of the few people here that get it. Hats off. Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Well, the “royal family” have military obligations. It might come with their history of living off public funds. In any case, he apparently called his fellow soldiers of color “Pakis” and “Ragheads”. So I don’t know how much of this “goodwill” is his own and not manufactured by the royal family PR machine.

Well, if you didn’t have cell phones or “video cameras” (lol) in your youth, then clearly you are the ancient “shriveled up, dried out, old harpy.” You’re obviously projecting your own insecurities on others. But don’t worry, you’re still stupid (even if you’re not young), for defending a racist.

No, I’ve never dressed up like a Nazi for any reason. No, I’ve never called soldiers of other ethnic groups “Pakis” and “Ragheads” or told a person of African descent that they ‘didn’t sound black’. Can’t believe there are people so wet for this guy that they are going to chalk his racist attitude up to “doing

I feel obligated to hate the royal family, because they are thieving, racist, entitled, archaic pieces of crap. Jezebel readership is full of people who think they are liberal and open-minded and, in actuality, are quite ignorant and prejudiced. The fact that there are morons on this site, defending him for dressing

I didn’t know he said those things, but it doesn’t surprise me. The kid was born into a life of privilege, entitlement, and undeserved wealth. He does a few obligatory charitable events a year and obligatory military service - you know, to justify his otherwise opulent, carefree lifestyle paid for by the public and

Um, I do? I don’t really care if you don’t.

Yeah, he does all that out of the goodness of his heart and not because of his familial/social/”royal” obligations and certainly not because he is instructed to do so by the Royal Family PR machine. Get off it.

Does this help? I don’t really get all the swooning articles over Harry on here lately. Have we forgotten the time he dressed up as a Nazi for a party. A Nazi. Gross.

The whole lot of them....


Glad the darling found her babies in the end.

Don’t forget the Giant Clip-On Bangs that is her sidekick. Annoying all around.

Courtney Love was probably reacting to all the shit she’s gotten for her music over the years. The constant rumors that her husband wrote her songs for her and that she wasn’t a true musician must have really hurt (all coming from KC supporters, mostly male....). I’m not surprised she felt the need to defend herself