
Today? You’re on here pretty frequently, saying the same stuff.

Ok, then dish the stats, try to find some that take into consideration the issue of under reporting while you’re at it. Thanks.

...but it’s to be expected from somebody on Jezebel....

Instead of insulting me, why don’t you provide me with hard facts about how campus rape isn’t as big an issue as we are making it, how rapes aren’t under reported, how there is no association with campus rape and frat life, etc, if you want to defend the existence of fraternities. Stick to the issues, as ad hominem

That you think only a “small number of fraternities” do these things is confusing.

Are you saying that campus rape is a small problem?

you are awesome. :)

If frats endanger the safety of their own members (hazing) and others (sexual assault) and promotes racism and misogyny (which it does) for the sake of school spirit, socializing, and “philanthropy” - yes, it is pointless and should be shut down.

Or maybe he’s being disrespectful of the mother’s decision and he’s kind of an asshole.

I dunno. I like Chrissy Teigen (sometimes), but I don’t buy this. I hope she will stick to it, but I don’t really expect her to.

I wasn’t a girl that was traumatized or tormented by the boys in my class (thankfully, I wasn’t the first to “bloom” in my class), but I still did notice boys checking me out or overhear their comments to one another about me. It might have hurt or grossed me out a little at the time, but I got over most of it pretty

“...how intensely I felt about women....”

You absolutely can get STDs by swallowing bodily fluids (think oral herpes infection from someone with genital herpes). Stay safe, friend.

i think its a wig or extensions.

and rich enough to buy pretty clothes and shoes...

If anything, I like Left Shark in spite of any connection to Katy Perry.

You don’t think 10-13 year olds have any idea what sex is? Pretty sure they do (Sex Ed starts at around 9-10 years of age) and no, they shouldn’t be exposed to loud sex sounds on a regular basis. No one should. Shut the damn windows.

Brilliant! Did you yell that she was faking it through the wall? I’m totally taking notes here. :)

Seriously, where was I blaming “everything” on white feminists? You know, instead of holding them accountable for the stupid, ignorant shit they’ve said on this post?

I don’t see a single comment from an actual Indian here that comes close to “totally” saying this of their own culture. Most Indians are sensitive to the work being done by protestors back home and appreciative of every step of progress being made (no matter how small). We don’t feel entitled to make stupidly simple