
Hmm... does he see something in himself that I don’t?

Lebanese tv host, Rima Karaki. There is a clip of her interview on youtube with a Sheik cleric, who was being very rude because she was a woman. She told him off, turned off the sound on his mic, and ended the damn interview. Like a boss.

Lebanese tv host, Rima Karaki. There is a clip of her interview on youtube with a Sheik cleric, who was being very rude because she was a woman. She told him off, turned off the sound on his mic, and ended the damn interview. Like a boss.

I was really disappointed when Kelly Evans apologized for asking legit questions, while Paul Rand was shushing her. I think all women intending to interview Paul Rand in the future need to take a page from this bad ass.

hey look, we’ve got golf digest’s key demographic right here!

And the world responds with apathy? Didn’t see that one coming.

Yeah... except if she goes into cardiac arrest during the middle of the flight, then what? Cancer patients have so many risks that healthy people don't, including life-threatening arrhythmias and embolisms. If you tell the flight personnel that you've got this life threatening condition and that you might feel "weak"

Jesus, this is awful. Thank you for sharing that.

...perhaps in line with those who perceive children of color as being significantly older than they really are.

I was thinking this, too. Probably a mix of both.

And they made her a “she” and mentioned that repeatedly, because then it would somehow seem less offensive or skeezy than if the hypothetical “junior communications staffer” was male and did the same thing. Aren’t they clever.

A more sober and thoughtful title wouldn’t get as many hits, amirite?

Thanks for addressing. Glad to hear it.

I don’t doubt any of that. It’s just that Jez always (always) includes links to previous articles about the same topic - even if they are years old. The fact that they didn’t do that with this woman after writing a scathing article about her just weeks ago, seems suspicious. There’s really not much in this article


I’m really surprised he got that close (even with zooming in) and he wasn’t spotted or “approached” by Slager or back up cop.

Are you kidding? There’s gonna be all kinds of speculation about what kind of criminal activity he was up to preceding his death (because he obviously did something, amirite?). I’m so done.

If it weren’t for the video....

No link or reference to the article on here a few weeks ago that outted this woman as a hypocrite and a jerk?

I had only seen a few growing up and didn’t find the ones I knew attractive.