Dinky Earnshaw

She’s present (as in actively onscreen) in the game for about 15 minutes total if you’re playing to progress. I didn’t expect her to survive, being an enemy and all, but I was surprised that she didn’t last longer.

13 hours for this type of game is “long” for the reason you stated: it drags and drags down the stretch. Pacing is very important and I think how a game fills itself out is part of that equation. I think this is a crackerjack 6-7 hour game inside of a still-good-but-could-trim-some-fat-and-be-better-for-it 10-12 hour

Yeah, agreed. BC and WotLK are it. Once you hit Cataclysm, that was the end of old WoW.

I have a feeling they wont go past Wotlk. That was the last expansion that truly felt like old wow. Once Cataclysm launched and changed the vanilla zones, we fell into the current cycle.

He means it was continually above 70, but was spiking at times to 90.

Buddy, a TON of those downloads only happened BECAUSE it was free. You’ll have to do a lot more hypothetical math to figure out if this was a win or loss and for whom. For example, Super Meat Boy came out in 2010, they paid them $50k for that and now that game is in the same store going for $20 (which is wild, but

These are all games which have been out for a long while. The vast majority of people who are taking these free offers would never have purchased the game at the normal retail price, and probably not even with a deep sale discount. When you consider that, these deals are probably very profitable for the devs.

I cracked and bought it after ranting in comments that I wouldn’t. It’s very pretty, with some nice polish, and with great haptics. It’s also got a save issue and bugs (apparently, I haven’t hit one yet), which makes me feel like the $70 is a little steep.

Reminds me back in the day when music companies said retail prices on compact discs would go down since the discs were cheaper to manufacture. They were, but you know. Greed and all. The prices went up instead.

It’s been confirmed that Rivet is her dimension’s equivalent to Ratchet!

That won’t stop Rivet from giving Ratchet his very first Rigidity

The fact that you can sharpen, consume items and dash on a palamute is reason enough for people to prefer them at the start.

Now playing

Remembering decades ago when mother put out a few bird feeders in the backyard, those things got a lot of hummingbird visits during the spring and summer

My favorite of the watch animals and chill streams is Shrimps247.

Not being able to save is an instant deal breaker for me. I rarely have more than an hour at a time available to play (kids, etc). And even if I did, I’m not sure if I’d want to play a game like this for hours at a time. Pretty sure I’d be exhausted :D

If thats what you think, your mind will be absolutely shattered if you ever get the pleasure of sitting in one.  Its genuinely astonishing.

... have you ever actually sat in a Rolls? They’re world’s apart from anything that’s mass produced.

Maybe it’s the stories I read, but I remain impressed how the people we train to go overseas and fight can handle this type of shit so easily while cops lose their shit if someone so much as looks at them wrong.

Pokémon Snap: