Dinky Earnshaw

If you liked Privateer or Freelancer, you’ll definitely enjoy this game.

I’m sure you could buy it for $1000+ somewhere.

I’m currently listening to the audiobook, and this book is still great.

That’s why I really liked Dishonored 2 and AC: Odyssey!

Are you joking? There’s corporate sponsored raiding guilds and arena teams. They’re paid to get world firsts.

Even if that were the case, a hardcore player would have reached level 60 within 2 weeks, which leaves over 130 days still.

The fan service was awesome, and the costumes were great too.

When I played ranked with my team, the queue times really suck. If we do get into a game, it’s usually a lower ranked team and we stomp them, which is kinda boring.

The other two.

RIP Heroes of the Storm. The only MOBA that I enjoyed.

Method is a corporate sponsored guild with “professional” wow players.

Ragnaros took almost 150 days to kill.

A lot of people had donkey computers back then.

The community is the best part of classic WoW. The Stormwind celebration parade they gave the world first level 60 was pretty crazy.

You can get them on Amazon!

Well, that sucks. I normally play my games undocked.

I still play this game on my DS Lite, and it’s great.

I looked it up, the actual mascot running around is a koala bear.

Lol, that was a terrible throw.

The only videos I’ve seen of this game were all RTX advertising.