Dinky Earnshaw

“Watching a company with all the money in the world stumble through the process of launching a store”

It seems like the people making videos get to face off against some really poor players in Mordhau. Meanwhile, I have to deal with MLG feint/chamber gods.


Blizzard does amazing cinematics. I still love the first WoW cinematic so much.

You must be in denial if you think she did nothing wrong with those leaks. She got a second chance at freedom, and now she wants to tempt the US Government and Trump’s administration.

I played Civ 6 iOS port on an iPhone Xs Max and I was annoyed about the UI. I can only imagine what it’ll be like for a text heavy game through Steam Link.

In America, every action you do is somebody else’s fault.

Yea, I’ve always had a hard time explaining the combat system to my friends over the years. They usually quit before they learn MH’s combat. MHW’s combat is mechanically the same game as previous entries in the franchise.

Once people understand that it’s not a hack and slash, and that they can get punished for every wrong swing, they’ll enjoy the game more. Honestly, MHW’s combat system is not that different from the previous games.

I played the first one on PS2, and I had trouble getting into it because of the awkward control scheme with the analog stick. I loved the idea of fighting bosses because I really enjoyed SotC.

A Mouse Guard game would be amazing.

How many battery recalls have Apple done over the years? I had to replace a battery on my PowerBook bc it was bulging.

MEGA Texture!

Yes, me and a friend bought the game at launch and played the coop mode together. The open world design of the game was a failure imo, but the gun play was good.

I kinda got burned by the first RAGE game. It was fun, but not “full price” fun. I think I’ll be waiting for a sale on this one.

Yea, it’s pretty lazy. There’s so many other characters they could have selected as DLC.

Yea, I try to avoid the vehicles when I can. I usually use the dirt bike anyways.

I’ve had all sorts of weird unintentional markings on my MTG and Pokemon cards back in middle and high school. I always kept them in a binder with protective sleeves too.

I actually ran to some of my objectives because I hated the vehicle handling. I would say the dirt bike is the only vehicle I really used.

One is a tactical shooter, and the other is a RPG loot shooter.