Dinky Earnshaw


I’m so glad SFM didn’t die after Tumblr’s new policies. These guys are talented and still surviving through Twitter at least.

The characters weren’t interesting enough for me, but the combat gameplay was good.

We were talking about BioWare last night with my group of friends. We all agreed ME1 and ME2 were awesome. ME3 was okay, but ME:A was garbage.

I’m just gonna replay Mass Effect 2 again. RIP BioWare.

Utada’s vocals over a Skrillex track kinda ruined the KH3 theme song for me. 

I didn’t buy a PS1 Classic because of the poor 3D graphics.

I know what you mean. I see games like Hollow Knight that have amazing artwork, and then there’s other games which aren’t even trying anymore.

Severance: Blade of Darkness was my “Dark Souls” back in the day. Being able to throw your weapon and severe limbs was ahead of it’s time.

If it handles like FR Legends, I’m totally interested.

1. Technology is getting more intuitive.

I’ve seen people sue for less painful injuries. A golf ball is a devastating projectile, and I wouldn’t judge this girl if she decided to sue.

Waivers aren’t effective as you may think in preventing lawsuits.

It’s “easy” to say that when you’re at the top, and not some struggling streamer.

They need to seriously tune those drop rates.

Yes, you can play this game solo from start to finish. The really good players prefer to play the game solo to try and break speed kill records.

Where are the attack gems though? 500+ hours of MHW and I’ve yet to see a single attack gem.

If you have some grenades in the final circle, your odds of winning go up dramatically.


After the decline of BioWare’s quality in their games, I don’t have any confidence in them creating a brand new franchise. Why not just use Mass Effect’s universe instead?