I’ve seen Angry Joe and his crew spew some stupid criticisms about games and movies before. I don’t trust his reviews.
From what I’ve seen, she looks kinda broken for competitive play.
10th place at Capcom Cup was probably worth more than T7 finals.
Namco needs to stop giving out chump change as prize money.
I guess glitter ruined your holiday stealing spree?
The introduction of 60 Hz servers in BF4 was a day and night difference.
BF5 has nerfed the spotting system from previous games, and it’s possible to blend in with the terrain easier because of that. FYI, snipers still give off scope glint, which is a dead giveaway. Also, you should spawn on your squad mates or capture points to limit down time between deaths.
Yea, lets turn Battlefield into a brightly colored 6v6 arena shooter...
How does a mobile game have a fighting game? ASW is doing some amazing work though.
64 GB should be baseline for all Apple devices! I remember the growing pains of using an iPhone with 8GB and 16GB storage. How about a micro SD card slot??
64 GB should be baseline for all Apple devices! I remember the growing pains of using an iPhone with 8GB and 16GB…
It’s crazy how Discord disrupted the paid VOIP server market without making a profit, so I don’t really mind them finding different methods to make some money. I use to pay $20 a month for a Ventrilo server back in the day, and I’m glad those days are over.
I’ve been considering one of those $800 gaming laptops, and they seem to have good enough specs to run most games well at 1080P. At least, laptop GPUs are getting more powerful.
Nice name!
Thanks for the incite. You’re probably right about the filing complaints for the name change though.
Her figma joints really blend in well because of her mecha design. I’m tempted.
Why not just block flagged keywords from being entered in the first place? It would have saved him the trouble of three name changes.
What’s seriously wrong with the name “Bigfart”? That’s pretty tame by 2018 standards.
I just read that Smash Ultimate has almost 6 frames of input lag, with the GC controller having the least amount. For comparison, Melee only had 3 frames of input lag.