
Seriously, how did hot Rachel think that shot-up picture was amusing? If I saw that in a guy's place, I would immediately turn and leave. As soon as I saw it, I knew he was going to end up hitting Rachel. I didn't think it would happen as soon as the same episode, but I knew it was coming.

My high school job (in the mid-90s) was working in a toy store in a small town in VA. We all dreaded getting new Beanie Baby shipments because people were totally out of control over those stupid things. One woman hit the owner's son when he told her there was a limit to how many she could purchase.

You're working under the assumption that you'd be helping. Unless she's unhappy with her look (and has explicitly told you so), the only thing you'd be doing is insulting her.
I've never dated a guy who told me my style was bad - and rest assured, it is VERY bad - but if anyone had tried, I would have said, "Ok, that's

That's North Brother Island.

I'm sorry for your loss.

Yeah I totally get why people would only have one kid, but there is nothing quite like having a sibling.

Yeah, my mom has a brother she doesn't speak to over something that happened almost 30 years ago, after their mother died. Even at their sister's funeral (their sister who had been trying to broker a peace deal between them), my mom and her brother didn't manage to put their grudges aside. She said hello to him and

When he said that, I thought, "She's definitely making the right decision, then." That's a frightening thing to say.

Me too! I have four sisters, and there was one in particular I didn't get along with we were kids, and our grandmother would basically tell us when we fought, "You're going to be sisters for the rest of your lives, so figure it out." That's what I thought of when Edith was giving that speech. We are witnesses to each

I am pretty sure the monster that crossed their path in the underground lair was just some guy who had been down there for years, trying to find his way from the City Hall BSL stop to Suburban Station.

Yeah, that did not really add up for me, especially considering that he bought a house for them both to live in last episode.

I worked at Bed Bath & Beyond for several years when I was young and poor and living basically the life these 2 characters are living, and I spent enough of my paycheck there that Abbi's unabashed love for BBB makes me laugh every time she brings it up.

I remember the scene you're talking about because it made me laugh extra hard. I went to a friend's wedding a few years ago, and the bride and her two sisters got in a fight the night before. I mean a knock-down drag-out fight. One of the sisters was knocked down the stairs. I vividly remember the bride shaking her

I thought that was hilarious, too. He seemed to be holding a dead bird. So he was out killing things. You know, normal teenager stuff.

Not that I'm defending it, because it feels gross every time Abraham acts like Katrina is a piece of property Ichabod stole from him rather than a full human being with her own thoughts and desires who made a choice, but isn't that basically how a man in the 1700s would view his fiancée/wife? I can't tell if we're

I was thinking my husband and I must be suckers because we had to go down to the USCIS office for our interview!
To be honest, we both say "INS" when referring to any of the immigration proceedings, probably because it's faster and nobody who doesn't have to deal with them knows what "USCIS" is.

Aw, man! I must have blocked out that detail. Oxford phone lady should have been more vague and just said he was on sabbatical, leaving room in the story for me to make wild (but possible) conjectures about Ichabod's offspring.

Is it possible that the call Morales received in "John Doe" was actually from Oxford, and the Ichabod Crane who was confirmed to be employed there but on sabbatical is one of Ichabod's descendents, now that we know he and Katrina had a son?