
So you will pay $10 per month for Netflix (120$ a year) and $7.99 a month for Hulu ($95.88 a year) for streaming only plans, but you won’t pay $99 a year for Amazon prime to get music and video streaming, 2 day shipping, cloud storage...

Do keep in mind that most often “court” consists of you, the judge and the officer. Yes, it is possible to have a jury of your peers but I don’t think I’ve ever known anyone to go that far. With that being said, typically, if the officer says you were doing said speed the judge kind of goes with it. Not saying it’s

Though, at least in California, officers are trained in estimating speed and there testimony as to their estimation of your speed is admissable court. I imagine most other states are similar in this regard. And if the information i received from an officer is correct, reckless driving can be as low as 20mph over the

Radar detectors do nothing for you if the guns pointed at you. All they can do is alert you to an officer that’s”clocking” another car nearby. The better the detector, the better the distance it will pick up “stray” signals and the better it will filter out false positives.

I have a business acquaintance who’s French, the license plate on his Porsche says ”FROG”.

You’re an asshole. 😉

As a certified pool operator, I can assure you, if the pool was properly maintained and the chemical levels were correct, they would never had an algae problem. Obviously, their pool techs are not doing there jobs.

He needs to slide this thing in there!

Heh, I can agree with this list as my 93 Accord was stolen within 3 weeks of me purchasing it. I hadn’t even received the plates and registration before they grabbed it and stripped it.