Odd headline considering Rose is not a specific varietal.
Odd headline considering Rose is not a specific varietal.
Doesn’t the inherent nature of rally racing (lots of tight turns) make it more difficult with a two pedalled, automatic vehicle?
Why would a useless picture sending company be correlated with a fee based music streaming service?
WOOL (omnibus version)
So I’ve only read two of his books (Cryptonomicron, and DODO) and they both appear to be part of a bigger series...
I enjoyed the off-earth Red Rising series. Slightly concerned it is suddenly continuing...
I read Mistborn trilogy immediately after Name of the Wind and thought it was awful in comparison and had no desire to read more of his work.
Hmm...I started off in a mid 80s Volvo wagon, so was never really trying anything fun, then had an 03 A4, so probably using a relatively modern tranny. Should have tried more rev matching on turns though, I frequently would engine break in lieu of using the pedal. I wonder how much I did naturally as I got to know the…
Have you sold your comic book movie watching story rights to Hollywood yet?
Avenger movies are the second worst comic book movies.
This is fascinating. You have pictures of a frostbitten cabin chained to the earth, and then pictures of a jolly train with people wearing shorts.
Pretty positive I got TT, not sure about Drumstick, since that seems so random. But I think I found space world and backwards tracks, so maybe I did find it all
yea, how are they her songs if they aren’t her songs?
I thoroughly enjoyed the open world freedom of the game. Much more fun than just sitting through menus and load screens to move to the next race, without being such a large world it wasn’t fun to get where you wanted to go.
I wonder if it is because we work in a more ‘corporate’ environment. Not suits and tie corporate, but massive companies with lots of rules and regulations. Whereas I imagine (with no factual basis in reality) that jobs like PR and journalism can be more fly by night, freelance type work, with a less thought out…
I wish it wasn’t a pre-internet age game. DKR seemed to have a ton of secrets and I have a feeling I never fully found everything out. I got to space or whatever though, Christmas land I think?
*except for the flying races
I don’t doubt this, but what’s interesting is that in both my field and my partner’s (completely different), starting salaries are a set figure with little to no negotiation, and raises are also set. There is no way to present gender bias in pay (behavior on the other hand...).
This isn’t the best spot for the argument since you have to consider context. Lauer made a grossly over inflated salary because he was part of the popular Today show team with Katie Couric. Essentially, he rode her coattails, but she bounced and NBC probably felt desperate to keep a part of the team around so he gets…
He rode Katie Couric’s coattails, then didn’t leave NBC.