I have no particular opinion on this beyond my fervent hope that Hamilton Nolan is first against the wall when the Univision layoff revolution comes.
It’s almost like news and activism shouldn’t overlap.
You honestly consider this site to be brave?
EBITDA is not, by any means, inscrutable jargon. There is plenty of inscrutable jargon in the corporate world, but this very very simple metric is not included in that category.
The irony is that the left wing thinkers are ‘The Man’ now.
“Univision is a fucking mess”
Holy shit lol you Gawker morons are so clueless about reality.
fuck gawker
So your saying your are failing again? No way.
The world is better off without Jezebel and The Root
But EBITDA is not a social construct, it can’t be analyzed from a liberal arts perspective, so it must mean it stems from the cisgendered white heteropatriarchy.
“Profit” is just a definitional construct, as anyone with three months of basic accounting can teach you. The important numbers are the sophisticated ones this article thinks are “too complicated” like EBITDA.
Hire some people who don’t think like you.
Oh man, how great would that be if the new GMG failed too?
I hear you. One of my BFFs has just gone through MtF transition and has actually become harder to talk to about womens issues - she womansplains issues back to me when I’m concerned about my own personal safety and insists I should be flattered by cat-calling etc, because her focus is ‘passing’ over being objectified.…
Hi Donna, nice to see you again! /s
No, not because it is written on People magazine.
my husband and I both got tennis elbow, and the only thing we could find to blame was our hand-crank burr grinder...