Dingwall Scotty

If you’re mad about this you should protest by not using oil

I like how you wrote “Timothy Caughman’s killer” in the headline vs the name of the killer. I think Gavin de Becker would approve of that

Did Donald Trump ever guest star in Frasier ?

Immigrants are statistically far less likely to commit a crime than an American citizen

it’s probably one of those super padded bras that could stop a bullet from VS

You’re gonna go far, kid.

You’re hired

white people are always being assigned credit for the work done by darker people

Yes McKinney is in Texas

China is much-maligned for a damn good reason! they should invest in scrubbers before they sink billions into solar panels

listen that Kraftwerk song is very convincing

Ada ain’t in Texas


what an Instagram-worthy photo

revoke Obama directives on reducing methane emissions

this time is different

It’s about dying at the rodeo! The Nicholas Sparks movie stole the plot

Yes choosing wedding songs was enlightening! “Everlasting Love” is fucked up too

I had no idea! Mostly because whenever this song would play I’d immediately change the station