Dingwall Scotty

rich white men!!!!!!!!!!

in his defense 10:30PM après-ski is the equivalent of 3AM not in a ski town

like good chills?

Are you serious? It’s AP Style. For amounts exceeding $1 million, use the $ sign and numerals up to two decimal places: “It is worth $4.45 million”

yes, the mental gymnastics have been amazing!

Yes “not part of the echo chamber” is exactly when they mean when they say “troll”

how did you get 4%

plz tell me you live in Houston

Just? Okay, Jezebel.

oh I hope there is a Jezebel post on it! lol :3

yeah yeah whoopsies-daisies ya dirtbag

yes duh

1) I got a We-Vibe a couple of years ago and was disappointed with it. Jimmyjane has delivered.

Charles Bradley is really good though

some people look really cute in them I just don’t 

I’m in Texas. I don’t get it.

They’re so, so bad. They’re not even attractive or athletic in a frat-boy way (I like the bros, OK?) , they’re like nerdy frat rejects. Basically brogrammers.

I am a scaredy cat I want hearing protection and a silencer when I go to the range

good I want one

Sometimes I get so confused about what exactly commenters and writers are outraged about and then it’s like oh it’s just their glaring ignorance on the subject, carry on