
“when I found the dog dead in the basement..he said it was an accident that his head was separated from its body”

That looks like they are wearing some kind of special orthopedic support device over their regular shoes.

I have to point out that they (the orcs) didn’t listen to hip hop. Never. Very deliberately not. It was more like punk/heavy metal scene. They had mosh pits ha definitely not a typically black thing. This was a conscious effort to distance the Orcs from the inevitable comparisons to black people and frame them as a

My take: Many young people are very aware of guns+accessories from video games (as an entry point) and the easily accessible information rabbithole that is the internet. I’m not blaming video games. In a way guns have become the new “sports cars” of a new generation.

On a related note: I listened to the press conference from the Edmonton police and it was really incredible how the police took him down. They had to decide to chase him (which is a tough decision because civilians can get hurt) then they did some sort of manoeuvre with their police cars, causing him to crash, then

There is nothing more in life that I want, nay NEED than this, but I can’t find a US Stockist, and because Brexit is shit and fucked the GBP up It’s gonna cost me a fortune to order internationally.

Scott Pruitt sure is protective of the environment; HIS OWN envornment, not ours. First the private jets, now his soundproof booth - who does he think he’s working for, CONTROL? Wouldn’t an inexpensive plexiglass Cone of Silence be sufficient?

And thank god that he saw fit to bring back HER kids but didn’t give a flip about all those other kids out there.

No mention of first responders risking their lives...

Black people actually were slaves. But white people actually were slaves too. Lots of Asian people are slaves right now. In fact, I’m pretty sure at one point in time or another, pretty much every sort of person in every sort of place has been enslaved. Or is this just too far-out for people to get? I sometimes think

It must be bad when even the judge is fleeing the country.

no way. this looks like it has been made -up “What’s the worst shit we can put in here?” This must be a joke, no?

“XXXL silk robes”

Fucking hell that’s a combination of hilarious/embarrassing/sad/pathetic.

Wtf. Why...so much butter, is my first question. Why KFC napkins? Why can’t the microwaves be plugged in? AND WHAT THE FUCK IS ALL THAT BUTTERMILK FOR???

9lbs - Bacon (uncooked)

Jesus. This guy eats like an eight-year old. I can’t believe he’s made it to his seventies.

How do you half chill a soda?

Of all the junk food on that list, the most appalling thing is the maps showing electoral college win. He’s just that insecure.

This is the shopping list of the three frat boys behind me at the grocery store.