Hey, all you amateur insurance adjusters out there: a guy who bought a janky old Prelude and couldn’t afford to get it towed when the tranny crapped out is not going to have comprehensive coverage.
Hey, all you amateur insurance adjusters out there: a guy who bought a janky old Prelude and couldn’t afford to get it towed when the tranny crapped out is not going to have comprehensive coverage.
The same people getting all up in arms about crushing of this car are just as big of a douche as the guy who drove on it, just in a different way
What’s with people buying a car and not having it titled in their name. I know it was a friend who sold him the car but still.
That car was a TOTAL loss before any truck showed up to run it over. It was also almost certainly only on liability. Who fully covers a $3000 car? No one. So they guy completely lost out due to the hurricane. The br0-trucks were just pouring salt into the wound. There is no insurance payout on this car. the…
I know I’m supposed to be outraged. It’s easy to hate on a douchebag in a lifted truck. Everyone hates them. But the car was a total loss and would never driven again. It would have immediately rusted into dust after being dug out, and there isn’t a single salvageable part after being submerged in salt water and sand.…