
There was a similar problem with Danny. They had him state in season 2 that Jackson is not his type, but both his ex-boyfriend at the time and the last boyfriend (Ethan) were of the same type. Back then I thought it might have been coincidence or deliberate but now I think its just because they cast the same type of

Yeah. It sounds pretty stupid.

Well they have characters like Mason and Danny and some extras here and there for representation of LGBT people, but not only is the majority gay and with Brett the first possible bisexual guy and there were maybe 3-4 token cases of lesbianism so far, but none of them was ever a main character. And Danny was rather

As for the same type as Jackson: Parrish has an angular face, muscular body, similar skin tone and same hair. Only the eye color is different. And Aiden was the same. And when basically all the guys you date look so much alike that is kind of weird and doesn't really look as if she is truly over Jackson, whom she

To be more precise it's a magical tre stump. who got new energy from the gang in season 3. And now it was claimed a few times that it draws supernaturals to the town, albeit it seems most of them were there for different reasons.

I think its also safe because it doesn't challenge anything. Teen Wolf might have a bigger LGBT presence than most teen shows but that is only in quantity (maybe) and not quality. LGBT people are not only predominantly white (and even if you say Danny wasn't, the basic difference there was skin color) but at best

Well underage hot guys of the same type that is. I mean how often did you see some guys described as hot on the show who were not white and of the same or similar physical type as Jackson?
I once joked whether Colton Haynes leaving broke Davis's heart and now he overcompensates.

I haven't seen the episode yet but I know Davis cowrote it and it seems to me as if his episodes suck more and more.
Also I would not say Teen Wolf is without racism, homophobia and sexism. In canon, maybe it is, but in terms of casting and equality I don't think so. The show has LGBT people at best as goofy sidekicks

Good choice. In my mind it went downhill ever since the start of season 3. Not to mention that since then nearly every new guy who is more than extra is basically a variation of the same type that was presented by Colton Haynes (Jackson) and I doubt that is coincidence. That is a clear casting preference in my mind.

Well for me the problem with pairing Lydia and Parrish is due to 3 reasons:
1) There is no need for it. We really don't need another couple on this show and Lydia really should not fall for another guy that is basically the same physical type as Jackson (Aiden was the same).
2) It is stereotypical: older male, younger