Dingo Dongo

I like raping child slaves.

Distinguishing between Albania and Armenia is what passes for pedantry these days? It's not quite umlaut vs. diaeresis, is it?

"Your search - indydromatic - did not match any documents."

Wait, are you talking about Uncle Phil? I've gotta read those novels!

"Cicierga" should be "Cicierega".

Can someone please explain this "JIFK" joke? I've pronounced the individual letters in sequence, and I've tried it as an acronym, but nothing rings a bell.

The Residents never released part three of the Mole Trilogy.

"Hech" and "Hoch" have a passing resemblance to Czech, but "Endut" is right out. It's just nonsense.

Also, "many New Yorker’s were worried the bridge would collapse" shouldn't contain an apostrophe.

I don't think you know what "misnomer" means.

The term "Cheese it" has been around for far longer than any TV shows involving Matt Groening.

Maybe I've overlooked something, but I don't think anyone here has accused Maher of sexual assault. His reputation, as I understand it, is as an unreconstructed scumbag womanizing misogynist.

Your insane diaeresis abuse disqualifies you from opining on matters linguistic.

"If you're not into metal, you are not my friend" (1992, "Metal Warriors")

I thought you were supposed to show not merely the obvious point that Hannity is a hack, but the disputed point that Hannity admits he is a hack.

And so people from Iraq, etc. have every right to bear grievances against Americans. The point is that it's not ancient history, involving "ancestors" only.

Dale Crover

You should've stuck to questions about her out-fucking-rageous husband.

Guess what? Nobody cares.

Roughly 40–45% of Americans accept something like young-earth creationism (see http://www.pollingreport.co…. This is as opposed to naturalistic evolution or even theistic evolution.