Either Perfect Dark or Conker
Either Perfect Dark or Conker
I like how in all of their infinite genius, they decided the Television was the most important device in the house, and not the CABLE/DSL/FIBER MODEM THAT APPARENTLY IS NECESSARY FOR ALL THIS SHIT TO FUNCTION.
well, to be fair, adult gamers might be the only demographic still paying for cable television
Yea, i could give two shits about retailers like gamestop, but I'm super pissed that my Gamefly subscription is suddenly become obsolete.
final fantasy
I too, have those wallpapers on rotate
So what, is Sarah Palin making video games now?
Yea, it looks WAY more ridiculous than my normal gameplay, where i lay half-naked on my couch, covered in cheetos dust.
So that is definitely NOT Bruce Cambell voicing Ash.
great analogy. except you're not his parent. Also, you seem to value your money more that he does. Your dollar is not special, but you sure do seem to think it is.
Don't you feel an obligation to society to make it a more truthful, reality-based world? Or do you think that the task is more akin to Sisyphus pushing the rock up a hill?
blind equality for everyone! No need to pay attention to things like evidence and data, just close your eyes and make believe everyone is equal!
Could someone explain to me why anyone cares about this? I mean, are scantily-clad women the final boss of the real world or something?
Your brain is just a chemical machine. And since 'free-to-play' games are increasing market share - which rely on manipulating your brain's chemistry (or as you put it, being addictive), more traditional games have to compete, so it really just adds up to battling to be the most addictive to the most people.…
More importantly, is that ECW's Joey Styles doing commentary?
Thank Spaghetti Monster the world you think exists outside your point of view does not exist for the rest of us. Hey look, I pretty much said the same thing you did. I guess we do agree after all.
So to you, the only people who should be here, posting on a game site, are people who have grand celebrations over new gaming systems. Thank god there are internet police like you around here, otherwise it would just be Chaos!
They didn't cure cancer. Or AIDS. I'll save the celebrations for things in life that actually matter, thanks.
If google voice handled MMS, it would be perfect.
you know, obvious troll and everything, BUT........