
I guess you didn’t read the real news today. Congress just referred James Comey for criminal referral. Along with McCabe Loretta Lynch Hillary Clinton Peter strzok Lisa Page and there’s going to be many more heads to roll very soon coming to a theater near you. The real corruption story is now about to hit the fan and

He’s the reason that there’s going to be talks in the first place you idiot.

And how did you come to that conclusion moron.

North Korean dictator’s never have invited American Presidents to their country. They did not get the name hermit Kingdom for nothing. Your ignorance is amazing

You would just rather make up your own conspiracy theory then have to admit the president’s doing well. So sad

Sure they could be true if you live in never-never land with Captain Hook and Peter Pan. Wow you’re news outlets have completely ruined your minds. They’re just a bunch of walking conspiracy theories where there’s a Russian behind every bush

Yeah the rest of us can’t believe you’re writing something that stupid and believing it either. Just tells everybody on here that you’re a CNN viewer and you’ll believe anything you hear accept the truth congratulations for openly admitting you’re a complete conspiracy theory Theory moron

Just a little word of advice to the author when your article has the word bullshit and its title not too many normal people will ever take you seriously. That’s how a sixth grader would start a paper about something he’s mad about. I hear the New York Times need some more fake authors you might want to go there you

Because Sanctuary cities are breaking the law openly breaking the law why don’t you idiots understand this the law is the law if you break it you go to jail do you understand comprende. We have federal laws for a reason to protect our citizens and if a certain city is going to intentionally ignore it and allow

The author of this story sounds like an angry 12 year old child. But why didn’t they call the progressive liberal who shot the congressman domestic terrorism. I think walking around with guns shooting people picking them off at point-blank range should count as domestic terrorism as well. Trying to say he won’t call

God I feel sorry for your kid he must be so mentally screwed up because his mother is a complete whack job. Man go get help seeks mental health help don’t destroy your kid because you’re a scared snowflake that needs to save space you’re the one that’s creating the fear for your child because your a weirdo. He sees

If any other Patriots who love their country and our president are interested I have all of Albert’s information address workplace just holler at me if anybody would like to pay him a visit and teach him some respect and had a talk about the president put a bar of soap in his mouth and we can harass him everyday see

Hey Albert you dumb ass piece of shit how dare you talk about the president that way. Considering his IQ Towers over your slow retarded low IQ your vocabulary proves how low your IQ is and how angry you are. Hey Albert Id watch what you say you piece of shit when I see you in the street I’m going to beat your God damn

Penguins goalie gave up nine goals between game 5 and Game 6 I wouldn’t call that great goaltending

What a racist website.calling him 🍊 faced.a face as bright as the 🍊 sky.that would be like if I said a face as light brown as the feces falling from my rectum about Obama.wouldnt that be racist.you guys would be screaming and yelling racist mysongonist, Hitler lovers.but it’s ok for you to be racist as hell the

Maybe the government needs to step in if it’s even legal for them to do so I have no idea. Think about all the people around our country single mothers War veterans who are either down on their luck or maybe who are injured overseas. Children with disabilities whose parents need to take them to doctors and don’t have

If you would turn off CNN CBS NBC in the rest of those jackasses you would realize he’s done more in 90 days that Obama didn’t 8 years they don’t want you to know that though they were really don’t want you to know that. All they want to talk about is Russia Russia Russia Russia they sound like Marcia Brady. Instead

Wow the Democrats desperation is showing.they will stop at nothing to try and derail him.how many more times must you make asses out of yourselves.its bordering sad and pathetic now.hey Brendan your desperation is showing cover it up.deny deflect repeat.this was a huge waste of time an article that is completely

Let’s be realistic if you’re close enough that you can see the white Flash you can forget all of this information it’s unnecessary. What you can actually do is kiss your fucking ass goodbye realistically the electromagnetic pulse will knock out every single car every computer every Transformer there will not be any

A senior administrator told Politico. How come none of these senior officials or an official Source or a high-ranking official. How come you can’t never give a name. If you don’t give a name of your source then is not believable it’s fake news. Every time I read a story or a news article as soon as I see the words a