
Okay Hamilton since you’re being objective today. I have to admit I was extremely disgusted to by your article yesterday. I’m not conservative or liberal in fact this is the first time I voted and I’m 43 years old. In my 43 years I am very rarely paid attention to political goings-on. I’ve pretty much lived in my own

okay everyone make up your mind. One minute you guys are saying that Trump is best friends with Russia and wants to have sex with putin. and then Flash Forward to 5 other articles. That saying we’re going to get nuked by Russia because of trump. Okay make up your mind which is it is he best friends with Russia or is

This website is so biased if you’re a trump supporter your comments will never make it on here. whether they’re vulgar or not or if they’re just a good comment they will delete it I’m sure this probably will never make it. I was wondering why there was 0 people for Trump on here now I know. Websites like these will be

Donald Trump has done more as president-elect than most presidents have done in their first year in the White House why don’t you pay attention to real news and go check for yourself. He’s been creating jobs and he’s not even there yet you guys are the dumbest pieces of Wakko I’ve ever seen in my life once you get off

Of all the extra votes that she received they all came from California and New York. That’s why we have an electoral college. Otherwise the state of California and New York would choose our president every single for years. This is got to be the craziest website I have ever seen in my life. Every one of you has

First of all take a deep breath. Turn off your mainstream news it’s completely infected all of your brains. It isn’t that bad relax our country is going to be fine everyone in our country is going to be fine. If all of you would just stop freaking the fuck out for 5 seconds and start thinking rationally. Ask yourself

Oh my God you are absolutely nuts. You guys are hysterical. Russian caused her to lose are you kidding me. Why because everyone in the world found out just how corrupt the Democrats are. Whoever actually did hack should get a medal and a statue in DC for being a national hero. Nobody’s denying the authenticity of any

Lol butthurt much I just sent this to all my friends so we could all have a good laugh at you guys. Of all the Articles and craziness I’ve read this one takes the cake. Wow comparing him to Hitler when his daughter is Jewish ignorant much.

You do realize that Trump’s IQ is greater than Einsteins. That’s a proven fact go check for yourself. Say comments like yours just proves how stupid you actually are. And anyone that reads your comments is now Dumber having read it

Lol wow you guys are completely insane. You do realize that the rest of the country laughs at morons like you. Wow is this site for like they’re really extremely extremely lunatic left you guys are so nutty that it’s almost funny.

Wow the extreme left is absolutely insane.i have been a Democrat my entire life until 2016 I am so ashamed of my party.its articles like this one that have caused our party to lose POTUS,senate,house,supreme Court.you do realize most Democrats do not feel this way about President elect trump.we lost and for no other

All of you were completely batshit crazy. My God I didn’t believe it but Jesus Christ you liberals have completely lost your God damn mind. Everything in this article is BS fake news. I don’t even know how they can legally print this garbage and how there’s so many idiots reading it and eating it right up and

Wow that’s the most garbage in bullshit I read on one page in my life. Did you really referred to him as Hitler wow. Your ass should get arrested for this article. Number one for lying to people about everything. He’s surrounded himself with billionaires because they’re the most successful people in our country at

no one’s forcing them to do anything. If they don’t like it they can just quit their damn job. How does emotions have to do with dancing or doing your job. Their political opinions or views should have nothing to do with performing in front of the entire country. They’re performing for the country not for Donald

So I guess you never had a job in your life that you didn’t like or did not enjoy doing. You’re not supposed to enjoy work that’s why it’s called work. I don’t think there’s anyone on the planet that did not work a job that they couldn’t stand it some point in their life. It’s called being an adult having to pay bills

so if so if somebody that delivers pizza like a customer because they don’t tip. Does that mean they get to not drive there ever. Sorry but they would get fired you gotta do your job it’s not about who you’re working with therefore it’s just about doing your effing job. They should just cancel the Rockets anyway. For

You are a hack. You call yourself a journalist are you kidding me. That’s why you write for something called the slot that nobody’s ever heard of. What a BS propaganda article. Just when you think you journalists can’t stoop any lower. None of this is true. How could he possibly keep his promises he’s not even