Diet Dr. Dingus

My pleasure! Hillary Clinton is a smart and capable politician who knows how to play the game. That would be an eminently sensible choice for a TV show about brilliant people manipulating power structures to pick as a puppet. But ok, sure, i guess saying she would be a smart choice for a TV show’s choice of a good

It’s milquetoast. You spell like Trump.

Milktoast is Guy Fieri’s favorite breakfast snack...


Yo homie if you don’t like this porta-potty why you hanging out in it looking for a handjob?

Yeah it’ll be fun especially since none of the people with both those opinions watch South Park anymore and all of them will secretly guilt-watch Ready Player One when it comes to home video

Given the AV Club’s hatred for both South Park and Ready Player One this really puts the commentariat in a bind.

“’Member when the AV Club was good?”

Parks and Rec is the superior show.

So they spent several seasons joking that both parties are the same, and now during a period of outrageous abuse of power and civil rights breaches this ostensibly libertarian show is whining about ‘why does everything have to be about politics?’

It's criticism in the same way as talking bechdel test seriously-nothing short of brain dead tumblr tripe for people who only consume art so they could say how "problematic" it is. Fuck creative freedom,fuck the purpose and aim of the story,fuck common sense. It's all about showing in as many minorities in your work

It's amazing to me how many people approach the topic of more diversity on TV in the most superficial manner possible.

You're right. This episode would have been much more relatable if the woodsmen, I mean woodspeople (gender bias anyone?) looked more like the cast of Modern Family meets Atlanta with a dash of Silicon Valley. Nothing in TV or cinema can exist legitimately unless the casting is demographically representative. To do

There is enough very diverse media on TV right now, so let's just leave the show made by a 71 year old Surrealist be, and watch, I dunno, American Gods? Or 90% of what SciFy puts out, or Queen Sugar, or Atlanta, or Undergound, or Master of None, or OINTB, or Transparent or…

yes, check your micro-aggression, bro!

No it is not. Is diversity like a mandatory checmark now? Does there have to be a quota to fulfill for the work not to be "fatally" flawed? This seems like such a pointless nitpick to me.