
Go fuck yourself. From deep down in the bottom of my very own whiteness, go fuck yourself.

You’re so pithy. Here’s your jerk-flavored cookie.

This here everyone is what a violation of one’s free speech actually looks like. The Russian government is arresting him for saying negative things about the Russian Orthodox Church. This is one of the times where it’s appropriate to say that this man’s free speech is being violated.

i dont need to throw my money at nintendo. i have a gamecube should my need to scratch the nintendo itch arise. old consoles arent super expensive usually. i dont really care for nintendos attitude towards the market. im sure the new games are great. theyve always made great games but hardware exclusivity is a

Sure, dude. It’s not like VR is a technology that dozens of companies have poured time and money into perfecting since the 90's. Palmer Luckey is the only person who ever thought of it.

i spent $100 making an emulator machine from raspberry pi 3 that plays games from numerous systems that has two SNES style controllers (the ones with way more buttons than the NES ones).

Regretfully I never finished this game, but man, the fan translated rom from back when was one of my favorite gaming experiences. It’s a great game and shame that it never got an official release in the west.

River Phoenix no doubt!

I appreciate the N64 (and it’s generational partner) for the advancements they made in gaming, but none of the games from that era have aged well and I don’t have any interest in going back to them. Not even OoT. NES and SNES and Genesis games, at least the good ones that are worth going back to, all have a style of