
Sure, the game they’ve sunk money into developing and have prominently featured in several Directs is going to be shelved because... wars? Invasion of Ukraine will be resolved within the next few months and the game will be pushed for late summer or early fall release. Once it comes out and Nintendo have actual sales

At what point does you just stop receiving any adrenaline from 500 skydives and 13000 motocross jumps? There has to be a threshold when jumping out of a plane several times a day stops being exciting and turns into a tedious chore.

Pretty sure this shirt can be purchased at Dan Flashes.

There it is - the future of family vacations. When America has become a scorching wasteland, escape with your family to a cool, windowless box in “A Galaxy Far Far Away...” 

Love these games. It’s a bummer they have no plans to port to Switch.

Kids today will never know the pain of splitting an archive over 3 floppy disks and then have the 2nd disk fail when unpacking said archive. My perseverance in muling 90s hentai visual novels paid off though.

I think you’d have to define what “better” means to you first

This literally sounds like the plot to Possessor

Did you say another Persona 5 spinoff? Because it sounded a lot like you want another Persona 5 spinoff. Hey, let’s not worry about some SMT V, here’s another 2 Persona 5 spinoffs for you like you asked. Take a few more home with you.

On one hand scalping is bad. On the other - anyone willing to pay $350 over market price deserves to have their money taken from them. 

I handpoked a tattoo of the owl cave symbol from Twin Peaks on my arm when I was in my 20s - I’ll definitely get it covered up at some point. Pretty much 99.9% of pop-culture tattoos are godawful cringe and you can’t convince me otherwise.

The more variations on Cup Noodles that they put out, the more I’m convinced that Top Ramen is the superior instant noodle. I’ve tried these stir fry cups and those soggy bits of dehydrated cabbage are just foul.

1.5 hours into the movie: “Save Mothra”

Looks more like a yet another procedural wrapped in a recognizable IP. Something tells me that whatever fancy cinematography is there, is all in that trailer. And them barely showing a glimpse of any crazy crime scenes is not a great sign.

I have this. It’s cute but also pretty basic, with only a few things tying it to Frasier.

I’m one of those people who got Ultimate specifically for xcloud streaming and I really wish it extended beyond just Android phones and tablets. As it is - there are dozens of games that are only available on PC, which mine is too low spec to run. Hell, I’d love for a native Chromecast/Google TV Android app so I could

From what little I’ve gathered of the recent Doug Bowser interview, 2020 was the year that Nintendo dug into its’ back catalog a little above normal and leaned in on more “peripheral” content (Smash/Pokemon DLC, Mario Kart Live) that’s less intensive to develop and deliver than a full game, in order to strategically

You know I’m pretty liberal with applying seasoning to my foods, but I’ve tried TJ’s umami mushroom powder seasoning on my eggs and burgers and it’s not the gamechanger I expected it to be.

As someone who sucks at FPS games and even more-so on consoles, I wish they had a keyboard + mouse setting or make auto-aim stupid easy. As it stands, the game looks gorgeous but the first shootout left me stressed.