

oh they didn’t. I passed.

Just want to point out that despite the upgraded (in my opinion) graphics for NES port, that version was notorious for being heavily censored.

funny you mention that. In 7th grade I submitted a bullshit book report for the Day of the Tentacle paperback walkthrough.

You severely underestimate the eastern european appreciation for rap music.

As brilliant as Akira is, I would love for some of his other properties (Domu and The Legend of Mother Sarah) to get some attention. Not only do they stand VERY well on their own, but with America’s itch for adapting anything with a following - they’re much more West-friendly properties.

At this point I’m counting on Gambit to come out before The Flash.

There’s pitiful debate performances and then there’s having candidates half their age run circles around them in terms of who can flap their tongue faster.

I’m curious why The Root is suddenly riding a cop’s dick so hard.

Oh wow, it’s the almost same shit Amazon/Netflix/Hulu have been shuffling around between themselves, since they all launched years ago.

They should have made in the style of the latter Beavis and Butthead games. I remember both Virtual Stupidity and Do U as pretty fun point and clicks.

I know the Wachowskis created The Matrix universe and while I generally enjoyed the sequels and the spinoffs, in just about every movie they’ve done since the first Matrix, there have been some questionable creative choices that they just couldn’t successfully pull off.

That’s the problem with this kind of architecture - it’s not exactly futureproof. The guts may have been up to building code (I have not a clue about how that works in Japan), but they sure didn’t make the guts easy to access and repair.

I’ve owned multiple handhelds before ever getting a home console, although they were all Nintendo’s. I’d love to bite the bullet and get a Vita just for its’ game selection, but I just don’t need another gadget in my house. Regardless, handheld offers a very intimate form of gaming which I really appreciate, and I

As a recently-naturalized immigrant, I’ll be voting 100% against everything Ingraham holds dear.

Why have any stakes at all?

Creepy, considering his predator credentials.

Am I gonna be able to play the original SD3 instead of the 3d version?

There’s actually a really good small Russian indie flick from 2012 called “Innocent Saturday”. It tells the events leading up to and following the accident from a very different POV of a low-level plant worker.

I’m not really understanding any of the hate this device gets. Anyone care to fill me in?