Ding L Berry


I think that was the video that prompted Tipper Gore to start up the PMRC.

What about the “Ok for late period Floyd” song?

Say baby.

Boston’s alt-weekly. I’m assuming the Dig? (It will always be the Weekly Dig to me)

They’re really, really weird. It’s great.

Tommy the Cat is my name, and I say unto thee:

OK, straight Milo.

Wow, Cantwell was a fat fuck back in the day, huh?

Life is the crummiest book I ever read
There isn’t a hook, just a lot of cheap shots
Pictures to shock and characters an
Amateur would never dream up

Kick the sandman in his sack!

Movie Poopshoot dot com?

WTF, why would you encourage people to listen to the I Love Cops song? That was easily the worst thing I have ever seen. WHERE’S MY MILK?!?! I NEED MILK!!!

I wonder how the rest of the cast will deal with Barr’s descent into hardcore conservative insanity?

Why would you say something like that?

Trump= Small Hands, Big Mouth. Screaming About a Wall. Good Guys are Always White. Sad! Story. Guilty of Being White.

Vietnam era is my salad days.

So, if I rub one out, you’ll leave? Sounds like a win/win.

Whenever I see the name of this movie, I hear Jay Johnston from Mr. Show... the Pit-Pat skit where he just yells swears... I can’t be the only one.