Ding L Berry

What about people who just like Tonio K's "The Funky Western Civilization"?

Gross. That guy frequents Right Stuff Radio. Fuck off @nathanforme:disqus

Oh wow, Brian Peppers!

Hardly a villain. How can anybody that plays for Detroit be a villain?

I thought that was a lizard?

Hahaha, I memba!

Praise cock!

Eesh, sorry! If only I knew! (full disclosure: I still would have made the comment, but would have felt bad about doing so)

Ribbit in peace, frawg.

Isn't that the bad guy from Shrek?

Did you read Charlie Warzel's piece on AJ on Buzzfeed?

First off: O'Neal- an hour a weekend? Holy crap, I'm a shitty parent.

His rice sucks. Near East or GTFO.

Ding: uh, don't you mean come over with a Ouija board?
Herp: You heard what I said.

After this solo…

And now his watch has ended.

Warren Haynes looks at him and laughs…

Everyone was in awe of Bob Weir and Warren Haynes.

He rocked quite the Armenian Afro.

Besides, Jesus died on a cross.