Ding L Berry

Nevermind the balok.

A-MER-i-CAAAAAAAAAN Dre—ea-eam… *cowbell*

Do you know Pepe Roni? Al Kikouras? (He's greek)

Mike Cernovich is a card carrying member of NO MA'AM, right?

Love Boat? The Hate Tank!!!!!

Except Cliff, they all hated him.

Just curious on how old you are?
I watched it when it was on Sunday nights and liked it, but I don't think it has held up all that well since.

I never saw the episode where they fucked.


Right, starring Leonard Nimoy, the five fingers and the face.

Quite the opposite of FUBU.


He shows up in Mr. Show every so often if you haven't seen any of those…

So this isn't the same show that had the guy dressed up as a dog… huh…

Are you named after the Tube bar bit?

OK, I'll bite. Did it work?

Mike Cernobitch says there's no such thing!!!!

I'm always surprised that they never shared band members with AC.

They (the filthy garbage people) certainly dare to be stupid.

I hate the way the filthy garbage people talk. The leader with her haircut and dirt covered face kind of looks like she lives in Allston, MA.