Ding L Berry

That first Boston album isn't at all satisfactory.

Poe's Law= can't talk to a psycho like a normal human being?

Thanks, appreciated.

Have we? I don't usually argue on here.

Chicago Transit Authority?

So, penetration, or…?

Chubby Checker and the Faaaaaaaat Boys are doing the twist.

Boston's first album is fantastic.

LOL pee jokes!

I'm in Massachusetts, shit's legal here, until Sessions is a total asshole.

Can you mail me some?

I wish…


What's the best one for watching Paw Patrol?

Those Filipinos are just Duterte sleeper agents, programmed to kill stoners.

That's the finely ground stuff that's left over, right?

[via BongBong]

dude, she hates you…

Legit LOL'd at the Paw Patrol line. I can't think of a worse show to watch while high.

uh, what about Sebastian Gorka's outfit that same day?