Ding L Berry

Papa Gino's is meh, but certainly better than PJs.

He signs his name, across his heart. He wants him to be his baby.

Oh, let it go already.

She is hiding her feet because as you can probably tell, she's checking her ratemyfeet.com scores, and they're in the low 20s. See, she actually does have a smidge of shame.

Somewhere, Richard Spencer reads this comment and then immediately gets punched in the face.

Is wasn't a dream of electric sheep?

Typical libtard snowflake celebrities!!! MAGA!

Yeah, those were the days when it was only a court order. Since Steve Mnuchin is an executive producer and earns boku bucks on returns, that shit has been EO'd.

Yeah, when I visited New Orleans 5-6 years ago, i had my fair share of that. Refreshing in the humidity, and the fact that you can drink it in a plastic cup while walking down the street… (thumbs up!!)

You old bag!!

Coupon: The Movie?

I hope their last act was a joint noxious fart in his direction.

If any good has come out of this national crisis, it's this: I have Luna's version of Bonnie and Clyde (featuring Laetitia Sadier) stuck in my head.

Nice, i forgot that was on the soundtrack.

What a Matisyahoo.

Anime twiiter avatar = neo nazi.

Dude, racist!!

It's like a coke den, innit?

2/27- Hey, Jillian's back! And she's fluent in Korean! Other than that, OK episode. The Workaholics trajectory is similar to that of The League… going out with a whimper.

Zero comments is great, given the quality of any given youtube commenter.