Does Mac from Sunny make an appearance?
Does Mac from Sunny make an appearance?
Good. The sooner they learn proper homebrew techniques, the better.
It certainly will. You'll end up with a weak, watered down beer.
Even more blown than finding out this show is in its sixth season??
What a delicious story, Mark!
So would Mary McDonnell be the hottest grandma of one of your friends when she was president of the colonies?
I didn't see game 1 of the WS, but that's where the sign was positioned for the Spx/Tribe game.
Hey, you'll get to watch Jamie Collins anyways.
Sure they will. Just hire Theo Epstein away from Chicago, and keep Terry Francona.
The Peter Kropotkin avatar gave it away!
Seriously. Dude is a Boston legend.
I'm going to guess Gene Simmons is a New York (baseball) Giants fan. He's old. Really old.
I dunno, I thought it was falafel.
Popeye's chicken is fuckin' awesome
lol, bone broth
This guy was great in Dazed and Confused.
Do you have Boston City Hall as your avatar for irony, or do you really like the design?