Ding L Berry

Not sure I agree. I don't remember Empire showing any human blood, even when Luke lost his arm, Fin had his buddy's bloodstains all over his helmet. Stormtroopers were beating people up, don't recall any hand to hand combat in the OT. Stormtroopers burning the villagers, closest we got to something like that was

(offended sigh)

I saw that one!!

I'm jealous, my soon to be five year old has no interest in Star Wars, outside of R2-D2. She prefers gentler things like the Ponys and Odd Squad. Maybe in a few years…

Not his style.

Well, depends on how old the kid in question is. Maybe he/she was too young to sit in a theater for over two hours, and TFA was certainly a bit more violent than past SW movies.

I think my cooking's awesome.

Move along… move along now.

This guy has gout. That shit sucks.

You shush!!

Just like shooting wamprats in the old Mad Maggie's parking lot back home in Norwood, right Whovian?

Surely, you overestimate his chances.

Strongly disagree, comic book Walter White.

That was a powerful story in that tweet, or whatever you'd call it.

Excite, Lycos and Webcrawler!

You can block people on here??


I know you aren't talking about Power Bottom like that.

Beach bands are the new Bear bands, which prior to that was Wolf bands.

That's just Eric Wareheim with a creepy mustache, right?