Ding L Berry

They reminded me of the New Radicals.

I bent my wookiee.

(fucks the city run by pigs)

Was that the one with the real people playing advisors and diplomats?

Damn you Desmond Howard.

They'll save that article for Saturday. Yup. It will be something for the weekend.

What's a dieorama?

(punches a mirror)

You sound like a real po-theed.

Awesome, I need to get a copy of Blood on the Saddle and Das Damen's Triskaidekaphobia.

Knock knock.
"Who's there?"
"Avril who??"
Avril Lavigne married the singer from Nickelback.
(both) Laughing tears emoji. (Full disclosure, one was the regular laughing tears emoji, the other was the laughing cat tears emoji. You'll have to figure out which one was which!)

When I was younger I loved loved loved the early, pre-Rollins stuff. Still like it, but don't listen to it as much as the noisy jams of Loose Nut and In My Head.

is that still around? I don't get the paper inserts when I listen to Black Flag on youtube…

Right? He's thinking 265 will get me an ounce of KB.

Hey now, hey now

go to Daily Motion…

That makes sense. I'm much more DinoJr fan than Sebadoh, but I can surely appreciate them. Gimme Indie Rock!

Margot Robbie was in Nine Songs, right? Having unsimulated hardcore sex?

Maybe? I mean they are the ones that posted that on Youtube. Also, Bowie showing us all yet another reason why he was a god among men.