
Yes it does have spirit, unfortuately it’s the kind of spirit they downcry everyone else for having.

It DOESN’T apply to hard copies (I take it you mean discs), if you own the disc then you are allowed to download it for free, but regardless, you do still have to download the ‘backwards compatible’ games, they are more like ported versions rather than 360 versions that work on your hardware.

What? but people will hapily pay $10 a month (or whatever it is now) in perpetuity to play WOW?

Is that frog humping that pony?

God, it looks so shitty. It looks exactly like what it is, some crappy bit of plastic. Enjoy spending $120 for this.

They are changing the battle system, there’s already been an interview with TheVerge and they’ll be keeping some of the funny stuff but not all of it.

Enix again.. yeah thought so, screw this game and any future games they want to sell.


Nah, let it die?

So now are we going to get all these articles from various media outlets trying to force the idea on us that it’s fine to change some it? SCREW THAT!

Noooooooooooooo.. you CAN’T make that character savable, it was a MAJOR plot axis and gave gave Cloud most of his motivation.

They are making a mistake. People only want a cosmetic change. They/we loved the original mechanics the way they are, we just want it to look a lot better.


What a highly impactical controller. Those thumbsticks and d-pad wouldn’t stay on if it’s magnetic, not with the speed and force I use, I’m hard on controllers (notice the controller won’t show wear, supposedly for those hard on their controllers, but that’s not the same as saying the magnetic bits won’t come flying

So what’s the big deal about this?

My thought exactly.

Is that guy supposed to be controlling the character on screen? In that case why did the character turn side on before the guy on stage did?

Each company has a time slot and have to move things on, the applause was stopped for them by the next announcement they didn’t stop the applause so the next announcement could be made.

Not PC.

Advent Children was awesome.