
I’m calling bullshit—if he really just wanted corporate hand jobs and hawkishness towards China, but without the culture war garbage, he'd be a vanilla Democrat.

This is the most desperate, I am not owned!, comment I’ve read here in a while. Bravo!

Crowder has never been in the same room with an orgasmic woman.

Yeah, of course guys like this are against no-fault divorce and think women should be bound to them forever. That’s a given. My main takeaway here is that he is suffering and in real emotional pain, and that has made my day just a little bit better. 

I voted for and donated to Clinton in 2016, and am furious with Feinstein about this, so there goes this silly ass theory for which you have no evidence!  But, by all means, let’s relitigate fucking 2016 ad nauseum. 

It is objectively true that if RBG had retired under Obama, her replacement would not have been selected by the next administration, whose appointees were explicitly chosen to uphold a rightwing agenda. This is exactly what happened in 2020.

Somewhere in Madison, Wisconsin, a black guy who met this dude once during an HR meeting is about to find himself suddenly elevated to “a good friend.”

Who is the far left candidate I’m saying was wronged? Maybe if you’re going to run around purporting to shit on people’s arguments you should not lie about what those arguments are. 

I wish Build Back Better was more ambitious, but I wouldn’t, and didn’t, call it Republican-lite. Joe Biden’s political career predates 2020.

Holy, shit. You are next level fucking stupid.

The exhibit includes sound. How the fuck do you go into a goddamn museum with a sound component in the exhibit and start laughing loudly like a goddamn ignoramus? Sound! As in don’t be so fucking loud that people can’t hear the goddamn exhibit!

Because you're an idiot. Got it.

Since when does one enter a museum and start loud cackling. I thought white folks loved quiet. Aren’t they always complaining about loud talking and laughing? When you people twist yourselves into pretzels trying to defend the same exact behavior that you people complain about in others, you look as racist and

Just say you weren’t raised with manners and don’t know how to act in a certain public space you’ve never heard of.

Ah, the glory of at will employment. What a wonderful system. Capitalism!

As unpopular as it is to speak counter to the apologists, he has a point.  That intolerance should be so vociferously defended is a base mockery of the 1A, and common sense in general.

This is what is funny to me. We have actual nazis, supremacists, and people who advocate for the attack of anyone not white/cis, that pretty much go unscathed because they are just shitty and so is their movement or party, yet a liberal comes out and says, hey, we ought not let these fucking creeps keep faking their

The only good facists/nazi is a .....

Probably the same way Robin Williams did everything: He carried on high with his dumb non-stop coke-frenzy schtick until he sucked all the air out of the room and no one else could talk until the show was over.

I’m pretty sure the Federalist society is aware of Brown v. Topeka hoss.