
As it probably does to most AV Club commenters whose shell of snark doesn't completely repel it

Killer Croc is a man, with a condition.

Just make a sprite hack of Rampage and call it a day

The only difference I can remember aside from only covering the initial part of the Maxx story was some alteration to the Pitt crossover (I'm assuming because of licensing difficulties).

I gotta disagree with you about the Seaman reboot. It was my first thought when the Kinect was initially announced. I'd love a sarcastic, shitty fishman who could recognize my face and voice and mock me for both ruthlessly.

What is the worst idea to be implemented into the current crop of consoles, and why is it social media integration?

Create account? Log in?

Seriously? The hexagon tiles and platform layout was spot-on for me, and the first time you exit the Smithsonian (Museum) station and your eyes adjust to see the crumbling Capitol building, I got goose bumps.

It's the same logic behind the reasoning that all humans are fish. It's just science!

So a Metroidvania game in the Mega Man universe? That wouldn't be so bad. MegaMetroidvania

When speaking about a person or object with gender, but that gender is unknown, it's considered grammatically correct to use the speaker's gender in its place.

Can't have one without the either

Oh it's a video game

Play what?

Maybe but plenty of smaller kids can still play Mario Party or Mario Kart or watch their siblings play Super Mario World or Super Smash Brothers, or just play with their own Mario plush toys and Amiibo figures while lounging on their Mario bedsets. Just because they themselves can't play the core games of the series

If the Internet can petition to get the phrase "I'm the Juggernaut, bitch," in X-Men 3, surely we should be able to get "fucking magnets, how do they work," put into this.

But if a dude started fighting crime while wearing a silly costume, don't you think it would invite comparison to other dudes fighting crime while wearing silly outfits?


Murder definitely would be considered #1 Big Crime, but what constitutes murder and what is lawful killing is open to interpretation across different cultures.

Yeah it's a good song and a good video sequence, but it's a terrible match between the two.