This times a million. Just move the fuck over. Always.
This times a million. Just move the fuck over. Always.
I’m fully insured and have had a clean record for almost 30 years. I would gladly rearend you if you ever did that to me.
I never said Tailgating if fine....I did say the guy not getting out of the way is worst then the tailgater, and even worst then that is brake checking. Brake checking should be charged as attempted vehicular manslaughter.
Don’t worry, if there was it wouldn’t be connected to anything, can’t have one good egg ruining the bunch.
On that high horse arm signals just work better
Why? Where I’m going is none of your business.
I mean, both these guys are morons, but the heckler sat down b/c he was shoved backward into his seat. It’s right there in the video.
We’re also going to need a GIF of you two slapping each other at the end.
I'll tell this car to turn us around right now!
Except the truck driver - he’s all, these MFs are passing me on a highway playing patty-cake and when we play bumper cars and they die everyone is going to look at my hours log, intense amount out uppers in my system and not believe me for a moment that the two grown men were playing patty-cake
Road head was always great.
So I can beat my kids without stopping now? Where has this been all my life???