This is what Christians have wanted it to become. When they have not been comfortable with something.... it’s against the bible. God wouldn’t want this, etc, etc, etc.
This is what Christians have wanted it to become. When they have not been comfortable with something.... it’s against the bible. God wouldn’t want this, etc, etc, etc.
Yes, sweetheart.
“I would never ...” = “I didn’t realize there would be consequences for my actions.” Which is why we are seeing an uptick in racist and anti-Semitic acts; people are getting the message that they can get away with it.
That seems like an expensive way to get laid. Isn’t there a cover charge? And I’m sure drinks are marked up. Why not download tinder like a normal person?
Counterpoint: Marvel knew that Doctor Strange was going to make a bazillion dollars whether they cast an Asian actor or Tilda Swinton in the role. They may be one of the few movie studios that doesn’t have to use that bullshit economic excuse to justify whitewashing a cast because their cult following and mass appeal…
I mean if you really want to be taken seriously you need a murder excel sheet with filters and formulas and shit so you can be organized AF
I think one of the few times I can recommend the purchasing of a firearm, a security system, and the biggest angriest bodyguard money can buy.
Um, excuse me, I have a Kill Journal not a mere list like some college punk.
I am glad he got caught now let’s hope they keep him in jail and the judge do not end saying “well, he has not killed anyone, he just raped some women and wrote something on a notebook about killing females, I bet he has a brilliant future as a fictional writer...”
Just murderous boys doing murderous boy type shit.
I was watching something on Youtube the other day (U.K. police related) and in the side margin of suggestions you get down the right hand side it had one video that stuck out. It was an American video from 2015 about a guy who was about to commit suicide by jumping off a building but then the camera from a bystander…
I was recently called for jury duty but the cases all settled before voir dire. Last time I served I recall them asking if any of us were more or less likely to believe a person’s testimony if they “happened” to be an officer of the law.
I’ll be honest - a few months ago I saw some neighbors beating the shit out of each other and I thought about calling the cops but decided against it because they were not white men and I was worried that the cops might shoot them.
So what I’m learning here is that CMT likes their promos drenched in cheese.
I would like to add that since men are so used to being able to muscle things around, they don’t give as much thought to technique or utilizing their entire body and tend to injure themselves more often. Now this is just anecdotal so take it with a grain of salt, but at my old job delivering lumber I was the only…
I didn’t see this right away and I called Dr. Hern’s office to ask how I could donate money directly to the practice. I had a fifteen-minute conversation with Dr. Hern himself. In addition to being a hero, he is a very humble and cool guy.